OML-IZ Search

Common Core: Grade 3 Module 2 Lesson 14 Sprint A

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Enter the number that is halfway between the two numbers. You may use the TAB key to move to the next question. When you are done, click Submit.

  1. 0  10
  2. 10  20
  3. 20  30
  4. 70  80
  5. 80  70
  6. 40  50
  7. 50  40
  8. 30  40
  9. 40  30
  10. 70  60
  11. 60  70
  12. 80  90
  13. 90  100
  14. 100  90
  15. 90  80
  16. 50  60
  17. 150  160
  18. 250  260
  19. 750  760
  20. 760  750
  21. 80  90
  22. 180  190
  23. 280  290
  24. 580  590
  25. 590  580
  26. 30  40
  27. 930  940
  28. 70  60
  29. 470  460
  30. 90  100
  31. 890  900
  32. 990  1000
  33. 1000  1010
  34. 70  80
  35. 1070  1080
  36. 1570  1580
  37. 480  490
  38. 1480  1490
  39. 1080  1090
  40. 360  350
  41. 1790  1780
  42. 400  390
  43. 1840  1830
  44. 1110  1100

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