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CellCraft Walkthrough

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Level 1: Pseudopod for the Win

  • This is a very simple tutorial level; you should be able to pass just by following the in-game instructions.
  • The centrosome organizes the cell's cytoskeleton, which helps the cell keep its shape, and allows it to move around.
  • You can zoom in and out by either using the slider bar with the + and - signs, or by using the scroll wheel. Note that the latter option may be problematic in browsers, scrolling the browser page as well; you may want to use the provided "Open in new window" link to prevent that.
  • ATP is a molecule the cell uses to store energy. In the game, it is your main currency, used for almost any action.
  • Glucose is the cell's main energy source. In the game, you can pick up glucose (and other resources) by moving to them.
  • The mitochondrion is the cell's power plant. In the game, it allows you to convert glucose, converting 1 glucose into 38 ATP.
  • The level ends once you have 1000 ATP.

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Level 2: Let's get Nuclear

  • The nucleus is the central command structure of the cell. In the game, it allows you to build ribosomes and basic enzymes.
  • Nucleic acid (NA), and amino acids (AA) are important secondary resources.
  • Both NA and AA are important in building structures in the game.
  • NA is used to make mRNA, "blueprints" for proteins decoded from the DNA. AA is the "building block" used to make the protein themselves.
  • Ribosomes are the cell's factories, used to build proteins from AA. In this level, you have to build your ribosomes; in future levels, you already start with a decent amount of ribosomes and won't need more.
  • With ribosomes, you can build enzymes (proteins with specific chemical functions) like the slicer enzyme.
  • Slicer enzymes are one of your defenses against viruses. They attack viral RNA.
  • Injector viruses replicate by injecting your cell with RNA. Slicer enzymes are particularly effective against them.
  • If the viral RNA reaches your ribosomes, more viruses will be created. They will exit your cell, reducing your membrane's health.
  • Your membrane regenerates slowly (costing ATP), but should it reach 0, the cell would die and you would lose the game.
  • The cell would also die if the nucleus health reaches 0, or if you run out of ATP for too long.
  • You will face two waves of injector viruses.
  • Be sure to replace your slicer enzymes as they get used up. The good news is that, when a slicer enzyme is used, you get back the AA used to make them.
  • You may want to collect more AA in order to build more slicer enzymes. About 15-20 slicers should do.
  • The first wave has 5 Injector virions, the second 15. Note that when you successfully fend off a virus wave, you collect secondary resources.
  • It's a good idea to always have your nucleus highlighted during a virus wave. Be sure to replace your slicer enzymes as they get used up; the good news is, as enzymes get used, you get the materials used to make them back (except for ATP).
  • The level ends once you have defeated both waves.

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Level 3: Insane in the Membrane

  • You can also recycle your enzymes by clicking on them, or drag-selecting them, and clicking the recycle button.
  • Recycling returns your secondary resources, but costs ATP.
  • Fatty acids (FA) are yet another secondary resource. Unlike other resources, you can't pick them up; they are only produced when the cell has an excess of glucose (>50). 4 glucose creates 1 FA.
  • FA is needed for all structures with membranes, including vesicles (small membraned sacs that store substances)
  • Once you have 10 FA, you are introduced to a new organelle, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where membrane is produced.
  • You can use it to expand your membrane. Note however that it usually isn't very useful to expand your membrane in later levels. :p
  • You can recycle expanded membrane to recover your secondary resources.
  • You are introduced to free radicals. They are poisonous waste produced by chemical reactions, like those in mitochondria.
  • Free radicals will damage your nucleus and organelles if unchecked.
  • Peroxisomes, a vesicle containing an enzyme, can be built from the ER to neutralize free radicals. They wear out eventually and must be replaced.
  • The nucleus can repair itself with DNA repair enzymes.
  • Note that DNA repair enzymes are used as soon as they are built; do not build more than necessary, or you'll only waste ATP. Each enzyme can repair 5 points of damage.
  • Suddenly, you are attacked by viruses! Quickly build slicer enzymes to defend against the attack.
  • There will be two waves. The first wave has 15 Injector virions, the second has 25. You can use the break between the waves to recuperate; only "click to continue" when you are ready.
  • The level ends once you have defeated both waves.

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Level 4: Invasive Infection

  • The Golgi body sorts and processes vesicles.
  • To recycle large organelles like mitochondria, lysosomes are needed.
  • In the game, you need at least 10 lysosomes to recycle a large organelle.
  • You can also now divide your mitochondrion if you have enough resources.
  • A new type of virus, the Invader virus, is introduced. Rather than injecting RNA, they invade your cell whole, and release their RNA near ribosomes.
  • Lysosomes can attack whole virions, and thus are effective against Invaders. Slicer enzymes cannot attack the virions, but can stop the viral RNA once they are released.
  • Lysosomes are not as effective against Injectors, but can prevent replicated virions from escaping the cell.
  • There will be two waves of invaders, the first with 5 invaders, the second with 10 invaders and 15 injectors.
  • Build lots of slicer enzymes to defend against the attacks, and you should be able to repel them easily.
  • Again, use the break between the waves to recuperate before clicking "click to continue".
  • The level ends once you have defeated both waves.

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Level 5: Green Thumb

  • You are introduced to the chloroplast. Normally only found in plant cells, they allow you to generate glucose from light.
  • The sidebar to the right tells you how much light you have; this affects the efficiency of your chloroplasts.
  • Choloroplasts produce a lot of free radicals, thus it is important to have many peroxisomes.
  • As a rule of thumb, have one peroxisome for each mitochondrion, and two for each chloroplast. Before dividing your chloroplast, you should queue two more peroxisomes for a total of 5.
  • It's also a good idea to space out your mitochondria and chloroplasts from each other and other organelles, to increase the chance of the peroxisome catching the free radicals.
  • A new option is made available at the ER, the auto-build peroxisomes option. This automatically queues a peroxisome when an old one wears out.
  • It's a good idea to activate it, as it's easy to forget to build peroxisomes to replace old ones.
  • Remember, fatty acids are only produced if you have an excess of glucose; turning off mitochondria temporarily can help produce them. Be sure not to leave them off for too long though; always watch your ATP level.
  • Defensins are introduced; these allow your membrane to block virions from entering the membrane, destroying them. Each defensin increases your defense strength; this indicates the probability that a virion will be blocked from entry. This can never exceed 50%. (The in-game encyclopedia incorrectly says it's 75%)
  • Defensins are useful against all types of viruses, but are particularly helpful with Invaders and Infesters (introduced in the next level), as they reduce membrane damage.
  • At the inital membrane size, you only need 8 defensins to reach the maximum 50% defense.
  • Before clicking "click to continue", feel free to explore around, collecting AA to build more defensins, lysosomes, and slicer enzymes with.
  • Note that you can have a maximum of 25 lysosomes and 50 slicer enzymes.
  • There will be 2 waves of viruses; the first wave with 10 invaders, the second with 15.
  • The second wave has some of the virions travel in vesicles. This allows them to bypass defensins. On the upside, it means they do not damage your membrane upon entry (but they will upon exit), and that you collect FA upon defeating the wave.
  • The level ends once you have defeated both waves.

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Level 6: The Longest Journey

  • This is the first difficult level; some even claim it to be the most difficult. Your success may depend partly on luck; you may need to take a few tries.
  • To start off, increase the peroxisome count to 5, and activate auto-build.
  • Divide your chloroplast to produce more glucose, as you won't find any glucose around in the level.
  • Now explore the level, collecting AA. Use it to build slicer enzymes (about 20) and defensins (about 4). Collect some extra AA for future use, but don't move too much, as you need to conserve ATP.
  • You should be able to repel the first wave of 20 injectors easily. Be sure to replace spent slicer enzymes during the attack.
  • As soon as you repel the first wave, increase lysosomes (up to about 10) and defensins (remember that you only need 8 defensins for maximum strength) to prepare for the second wave in 20 seconds. There will be 15 invaders.
  • As soon as you repel the invaders, you are introduced to the infesters. These viruses do not release RNA, instead, they infest your nucleus's DNA. Once infested, your cell produces viral RNA automatically.
  • Defensins and lysosomes are very important against infesters, to prevent them from reaching the nucleus. Slicer enzymes can't stop them from getting to the nucleus, but can stop the viral RNA if your nucleus gets infested.
  • Should you get infested, you need DNA repair enzymes to repair the infestation. Each enzyme repairs 5 points of infestation.
  • Remember, you cannot prepare DNA repair enzymes beforehand; they are used as soon as they are built, so don't build more than necessary.
  • There will be a wave of 5 infesters. They should be easily repelled if you have enough lysosomes and defensins.
  • You will face 3 more waves of viruses, with 20 second breaks between them. Build more slicer enzymes and lysosomes to defend against them! As a rule of thumb maintain about twice as many slicers as lysosomes.
  • Don't spend too much ATP exploring at this stage - the virus waves will really tax your ATP! Remember that virus waves give resources upon defeat; use those to prepare for the next wave.
  • The first wave has 15 injectors, 10 invaders, and 5 infesters.
  • The second wave has 30 injectors, 25 invaders, and 10 infesters.
  • The third wave has 20 injectors, 25 invaders, and 20 infesters.
  • The level ends once you have defeated all waves.

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Level 7: Heat Shock Crisis

  • This should be a much easier level than the previous one. At least you won't have to face large, frequent waves of viruses.
  • Increase the peroxisome count to 8, and activate auto-build.
  • Divide your chloroplast twice to ensure enough glucose income.
  • Divide your mitochondrion and immediately set one to burn for heat. This ensures you don't lose temperature.
  • Now you need to economize AA, as you can't find any in the level. Make 20 slicers and 5 defensins.
  • Now just sit and wait, building up ATP and temperature.
  • When you hit 10°C, a cut scene appears, and the timer will start to countdown to virus waves.
  • You should now have a bunch of ATP saved up, and so can set both mitochondria to burn.
  • After the first wave of 15 injectors, increase lysosomes to 12, and replenish spent slicer enzymes.
  • The second wave has 15 invaders.
  • You should be able to reach 25°C and win the level after the second wave.

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Level 8: Indigestion

  • As soon as the level starts, disable one of your mitochondria.
  • Increase peroxisome count to 4, and enable auto-build. (You do not need as many peroxisomes for your chloroplasts, as they are running on low efficiency).
  • Increase lysosomes to 10, and recycle your disabled mitochondrion, for precious resources.
  • You can then divide a chloroplast, increasing your count to 3. Build 8 defensins, and lots of slicer enzymes — AA comes easily in this level, and you'll soon find more than you'd know what to do with. This helps defend against the periodic virus waves.
  • Do not produce toxins early. It uses up resources that cannot be recovered, and will induce large virus waves before your defenses are strong enough for them.
  • Explore around for glucose - you need to build up enough to start producing FA.
  • Don't use too much ATP though; do not be afraid of resting, as it allows resources to build up outside your view, allowing you to collect them in one fell swoop once you're ready to explore again.
  • You want to be accumulate enough FA (25) to divide your chloroplast again, increasing the count to 4. Once you do so, build another peroxisome.
  • Once you have 4 chloroplasts you should be able to produce FA quickly, especially with exploration. Use this extra FA to max out your lysosomes (up to 25).
  • If you're high on ATP you can temporarily disable your mitochondrion to speed up FA production; watch your ATP though.
  • Once you have maxed out your defenses (50 slicers, 25 lysosomes, and 8 defensins), continue building up FA to be able to replace your recycled mitochondrion (up to 2 again).
  • Disable one mitochondrion and keep it in case you run low on ATP, as producing toxins and fighting off the resultant viruses may sap your ATP. Better safe than sorry.
  • Now you can start producing toxins. Note that when toxins reach certain levels an additional virus wave would appear - thus you want to time those waves in between the regular waves, to avoid overwhelming your defenses.
  • Toxins take approximately 30 seconds to produce and release, so don't make them if the virus timer is near or below the 30 second mark.
  • Remember to replenish spent slicer enzymes during and after battle! Also replace any lysosomes lost to free radicals.
  • Each toxin released increases the toxin count by 2%.
  • The table below indicates the toxins required between waves (i.e. after you fight off the first wave, create 8 more toxins to get the second wave), the toxin percentage that triggers the wave, and the viruses in each wave:
  • Toxins to next wave Toxin percent Injectors Invaders Infesters
    5 10% 30 17 -
    8 26% 30 17 -
    12 50% 30 17 15
    15 80% 30 - -
    5 90% 30 17 15
  • After you have fought off the last wave, produce 5 more toxins to reach the goal of 100%. Congratulations, you've beaten CellCraft!

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